Wednesday, August 24, 2005

what's stewing today...

  1. The wedding is OVER!!! Jana and Ben are married, and I get my life back. Sounds like a win-win situation if you ask me. Jana was the happiest, most beautiful bride I've ever seen and the kids were adorable as the flower girl and "ring bear". God was glorified that day, and I was honored to be a part of it.
  2. I think I'm ready to start homeschooling. I have my curriculum, I bought everything on the supplies list that I think we'll need, I've got a sense of my goals for this year and how to achieve them, Shiloh's totally excited, I have monthly and weekly calendars printed out and filled in. We're waiting until the day after Labor Day, though, to give me a little time to get things in relative order around here.
  3. I've decided it's ok if I start buying frozen dinners. Not like TV dinners or those itty-bitty Lean Cuisines or anything. I mean stuff like frozen ravioli, potstickers, lasagna, etc. Life is just too short for me to be idealistic. Today these frozen chicken-veggie-pasta thingies were 2 for 1 at Costco. 4 meals for about $8 (I think, I didn't actually look at the price), and it frees me up to spend my time doing more important things.
  4. My friend Cat called this morning to tell me she's the newest member of the Scraptalk {dt}, and it's definitely pushed me to get my work out there. I think I've wanted to have some sort of strategy for how to get to where I want to be in the world of semi-professional scrappers...but I think I just need to do what works and take the opportunities as they come, and not stress over what the "best" way to do this is.
  5. My house is a mess. There's stuff everywhere. When we're busy we tend to just drop everything and run off to the next event when we're home. Gotta do something about that.
  6. Mariah's 2nd birthday is in 2 days! I think we're going to celebrate by going out on Grandma and Grandpa's boat. Her cheapskate parents are buying paint for her birthday. Pink paint. So she and her sisters can have a cute, pink, girly room. This is my favorite picture of Mariah. I can't tell if I'm making it fit here the way I want it to, but whatever. Isn't she the cutest?
That's all for today. If you've read this far, leave me a message telling me what you did on your 2nd birthday, or the first birthday you remember. I'm pretty sure I spent my 2nd birthday at home with my new baby sister and my mom, who had just come home from the hospital from having my new baby sister.


AtomicArt1 said...

Messy house? It better be clean before I get home!

heh heh....

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what I did on my second birthday! Most likely there was a party with my cousins. Do you mind if I ask you what curriculum you are going to use? I'm still in my research phase of homeschooling, and have found tons of things that I like, but obviously need to narrow down the choices. Thank you Rosy.
Jenny L.