Thursday, February 23, 2006

To Do lists--what's the point?

I swear, I have a notebook full of to do lists. What they have in common is:
  • they're all for 1 week at a time
  • they all have about half of the items not crossed off
  • they also have stuff added throughout the week
  • much of what is on them isn't something I'm actually considering doing, it's just something I'd like to do
  • did I mention that I never actually complete everything on one?
  • some of them have the same thing on them 5 or 6 weeks in a row
Pathetic, I know. We're talking years of incompleted (uncompleted? noncompleted?) lists. Then again, I think I get more done with them than without them. Still, it would be nice to complete one once. I actually will add items after I've already finished them, just so I can have one more crossed off item on my list.

Anyway, this is what's leftover for this week (if anyone's interested):
  1. prep for birthday card class (this one's non-negotiable, the class is tomorrow night)
  2. clean scrap area (might actually happen, since it's in the dining room and I have to look at it)
  3. take pictures of Elijah and Esther (this is one of those ones that I don't really have any intention of doing, but I know I should. We celebrated their birthdays this week, which means I have one week to do a photo shoot before I lose "good scrapbooking mom" status.)
  4. make Thank You cards (another one that I don't honestly think I'll do. Yes you may send me to if you'd like. I suck at manners.)
  5. dust (I won't go there)
  6. develop a class concept I've been thinking about (this one is still stewing)
  7. gussy up scrap resume (pretty pathetic to spend $20 on something that not only says "yes, I have no credentials", but doesn't even look like an effort has been made to doctor it up)
  8. get a quote on a truckload of dirt (this might actually happen, if I can make the kids be quiet long enough to make the phone call)(because I really want to get some work done in the yard)(and if I don't do it now, my yard phase will run its course for the year and I'll have to wait until next year to make any gardening progress)
  9. and one other thing
So there you have it. All the stuff I can't pull off. But that's ok! Because somehow I'll make it through this weekend having taught my class, and the other stuff will either get done or it won't. And if it doesn't, the dust will still be waiting patiently for me Monday morning, all my brilliant scrap ideas will have longer to simmer, Esther will get a 1 year old + 16 days picture, instead of a birthday shot, and the yard will just look unkempt a little longer. Work in progress, eh?


Francine said...

lol! that sounds exactly like my relationship with To Do lists. :)

Adrienne said...

Hope you get it all done! LOL

Anonymous said...

ROFL! I nkow that type of list all too well! Good luck making a dent in it.

Mimi said...

Good luck. Happy birthday to your babies!

Anonymous said...

The way I see it, even if you don't get to cross everything off your list everyday, the fact that you are making the list is a head start to begin with! just think of what wouldn't get done if you didn't make the list! ;)
