Tuesday, September 06, 2005

First day of school

I get it now. How homeschooling is going to be. There are times with Shiloh when I'm explaining something to her or trying to do something with her and it's just not clicking. Like learning to ride a bike for her. I'd explain what she needed to do, I knew she understood my words but for some reason it just wasn't connecting. It's like when you keep clicking on a program you want to start on the computer and it won't open. On the other hand, there are times when it connects and there's this sense that a whole new world has been opened to her. We had both of those today, and I think we probably always will.

We talked a bit about fathers today, how God is our Father and He made the world for us, and things about Shiloh's daddy. She made him a card of all the things she loves about him that is priceless.

I love you Daddy because...
  • I sit on the couch with you, on your lap.
  • he will never, ever go in jail.
  • he's handsome, and because he has gel.
  • he does art.
  • he's careful with matches.


Anonymous said...

that is too sweet! I love it!

Anonymous said...

OMGOSH...how sweet is that list of things that Shiloh loves about her daddy!!!! Such a sweet thing!!!! I love kids and the things they come up with!

Anonymous said...

What a nice list she made for her daddy. I love the jail and matches statements. Those are GOOD!