Thursday, February 15, 2007

Unslumping yourself is not easily done

...but I'm working on it! With sick kids, sick Dan, sick me, and other stuff (I'm not even really sure what), it seems like I've gotten out of the groove lately with lots of stuff--scrapping, homemaking, school, working out. I haven't talked to my mom in weeks, our schedules don't mesh well (her best time to talk is in the evening, when Dan is home and we're knee-deep in dinner + bedtime). And poor Elijah's b-day party is next weekend, and I still haven't mailed the invites! I think I've told most of the people who are invited, but still.

An object at rest tends to remain at rest. I'm trying to give myself a little push to get going again.

I did have a couple fun classes recently. One only had one student, but she signed up for next month before she left that night, and has friends who want to come! And the students for the other class were advanced scrappers--my first time teaching people who were that knowledgeable about products. Talk about self-conscious! But I came to an important realization with regards to my classes--it's ALL about the finished project. Teaching is secondary. That runs contrary to my process-oriented nature, but from talking to these ladies, and then some other people who take classes, I realize that's the way a lot of people think who take classes. And I'm happy to oblige. :D

Still doing the Make Room for MORE! Challenge at This week it's all about brads. I got these square brads at a garage sale 2 summers ago, I've been wondering what on earth I was going to do with them until 2 nights ago. Before I got all the stuff in the corners I hated it--it looked like a dog collar to me. All the random bits + pieces seem to balance it out though. And I got to play with my Mod Squad stamps, which made me happy.

Have a great, slump free day--I'm going to go do something productive!


Mimi said...

Good unslump! Great layout!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this layout you've showed us!!! slump? what slump?! lol!

Mrs. H said...

Supeeerr Cute!!!!